トレーニング予約 お問い合わせ

2018年5月7日(月)〜9日(水)《認定LeSS実践者研修・トレーニング(大規模Scrum)》Scrum Alliance® 公認継続学習コース

2018.1.31 2018年5月7日(月)〜9日(水):《認定LeSS実践者研修・トレーニング(大規模Scrum)》Scrum Alliance® 公認継続学習コースを開催いたします。

《認定LeSS実践者研修・トレーニング(大規模Scrum)》Scrum Alliance® 公認継続学習コース

Large-Scale Scrum(以下、LeSS)は複数チームでアジャイルな開発を行うためのフレームワークです。LeSSは、エンピシリズム(経験主義)、クロスファンクショナル、自律的なチームといったスクラムの原則を守りながら、規模を拡大しなければならない場合に適応できるフレームワークです。また、大規模な製品開発に適用できるシンプルなルールとガイドラインがあります。


Large-Scale Scrum (LeSS) is a framework for scaling agile development to multiple teams. LeSS builds on top of the Scrum principles such as empiricism, cross-functional self-managing teams and provides a framework for applying that at scale. It provides simple structural rules and guidelines on how to adopt Scrum in large product development.
The Certified LeSS Practioner course is an in-depth course covering the LeSS principles, framework and rules, and guides. It provides essential information for adopting and improving LeSS to your product development group. The course contains an overview of LeSS, stories on LeSS adoptions, exercises and extensive LeSS Q&A to ensure we discuss the topics most of interest to the participants.

《認定LeSS実践者研修・トレーニング(大規模Scrum)》Scrum Alliance® 公認継続学習コース
研修・トレーニング名 《認定LeSS実践者研修・トレーニング(大規模Scrum)》Scrum Alliance® 公認継続学習コース
開催日時 2018年5月7日(月)〜9日(水)9:00〜18:00
会場(予定) CIVI研修・トレーニングセンター秋葉原

〒101-0041 東京都千代田区神田須田町1-5-10 相鉄万世橋ビル 2・3・4階 CIVIフロント3階
> JR秋葉原駅から徒歩5分、JR神田駅から徒歩6分、JR御茶ノ水駅から徒歩8分
> 東京メトロ銀座線神田駅から徒歩3分、東京メトロ丸の内線淡路町駅から徒歩3分
> 東京メトロ千代田線新御茶ノ水駅から徒歩6分、東京メトロ日比谷線秋葉原駅から徒歩7分
> 都営地下鉄新宿線小川町駅から徒歩3分、都営地下鉄新宿線岩本町駅から徒歩4分
> 首都圏新都市鉄道つくばエクスプレス秋葉原駅から徒歩5分



The Certified LeSS Practitioner course is for anyone who is involved in a LeSS effort. Basic Scrum knowledge is expected and can be achieved by attending a Certified ScrumMaster or a Professional ScrumMaster course, or thoroughly reading Scrum introduction material such as the Scrum Primer and practicing Scrum.





The course is three days. The first day has the focus on the LeSS Overview, the LeSS Principles and organizational aspects. The second day focuses on managing the product development with Definition of Done, role of the Product Owner and how (line) managements role changes in LeSS. The last day focuses on how the different teams coordinate their work, how LeSS is adopted in organizations and the role of the ScrumMaster.
In more detail:

Day #1:
- Introduction
- Scrum, LeSS and LeSS Huge Overview
- LeSS Principles
- Organizing around Customer Value and Feature Teams
Day #2:
- What is your product?
- Definition of Done and its impacts.
- Feature Team Adoption Map
- Product Owner and Product Backlog
- Role of Management
- Organizational impacts and typical LeSS organizational structure
Day #3:
- LeSS Product Backlog Refinement, Sprint Planning, Review and Retrospective
- Consideration on technical practices when scaling.
- Integration & Coordination
- Adopting LeSS in your organization
- Case Study: Nokia Networks two LeSS Huge adoptions
- ScrumMaster role within LeSS


全ての受講者はLarge-Scale Scrum: More with LeSSという本(現在執筆中)の最新版の原稿を読む事ができます。

After course completion:
All participants will be a Certified LeSS Practitioner and will get an account on less.works. Here they can find additional information about LeSS, share course information and stay in contact with the other course participants.
All participants get access to the draft of the new upcoming book: Large-Scale Scrum: More with LeSS

受講料 324,000円(税込)
※ 5名様単位のグループ割引あり、ペア割引はございません
Bas Vodde Odd-e Singapore

Bas Vodde is a coach, programmer, trainer, and author related to modern agile and lean product development. He is the creator of the LeSS (Large-Scale Scrum) framework for scaling agile development. He coaches organizations on three levels: organizational,  team,  individual/technical practices. He has trained thousands of people in software development, Scrum, and modern agile practices for over a decade.

He is the author of Large-Scale Scrum: More with LeSSScaling Agile and Lean Development: Thinking and Organizational Tools for Large-Scale Scrum and of Practices for Large-Scale Agile and Lean Development, all together with Craig Larman.

Bas works for Odd-e, a company which supports organizations in improving their product development, mostly in Asia.

Bas currently lives in Singapore where he ended up after living in Holland (born), China and Finland. He worked in start-ups and in very traditional environments. This last uncomfortable experience convinced him that agile and lean development is a more human way of developing software products -- no matter how large your development is.

He had the opportunity to introduce Agile Development (particularly Scrum) in Nokia Networks (formally NSN) but had to move to Helsinki. There he watched dozens of product groups adopt scrum and other agile practices. The extreme cold in Finland forced him to migrate south and back to China where he focused on one large product group and its Scrum adoption.

Bas is interested in Scrum with a special focus on large companies and large product development. But he also enjoyed working on technical practices, especially test-driven development (particularly in embedded environments) and continuous integration.  He keeps working as a developer because he strongly believes you need a well-factored code base if you want to be fast and flexible. His hobbies are studies in lean production and quality management and, of course, programming.

《認定LeSS実践者研修・トレーニング(大規模Scrum)》Scrum Alliance® 公認継続学習コース